Restless Learners Change The World

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Who are we?

Our mission is to provide high school students with world class resources surrounding the college application process and beyond. We'll share the latest volunteer opportunities, scholarships, fellowships, internships and more!

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer”

Stephen Hawkings

What we offer

College Wiki

College wiki features articles on a number of topics helping you craft a successful college application.

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Here we share various opportunities ranging from scholarships to webinars that help you get into your dream school.

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We regularly host workshops on diverse set of topics with speakers from different professional backgrounds.

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For more guide on college application, questions or a counsel about career choices with a collge expert

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Kigali, Indiana AC

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Monday to Saturday 9AM TO 10PM

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adipisicing elit. Ipsa, tempora.